( Opened May 2014)
Following on from the last post i was looking at some google views of Wellpark and stitched some.
The recently announced Drygate Brewery is the building on the left hand side of the Brewery site. If it was named after the current closest streets it would not be Drygate , it would be John Knox Brewery or Ladywell Brewery.The old Drygate extended where the entrance is today, and followed a very different route. Closer to the Molendinar Burn than the main brewery, the new version of the Drygate Brewery is slightly further west than the original 1740 version.
From National Library of Scotland Maps John Wood 1822
From National Library of Scotland Maps 1807
Following images from Jan 19th;

You can see the big "D" on the building. enough roofs for "Drygate"
Planning Application