Thursday 15th September 2016
Lunchtime "Glasgows Underground Railways" :
good little talk . Would like to see something added and practical next year like having a walk along the City & Union line or run a passenger train.
wee niggle; Screen too small for bright building
Evening City of Glasgow College Riverside Campus.
Very good. Impressive building and facilities. You could hear the enthusiasm from the presenters. Maybe add in something about the environmental design function of the building.
Saturday 17th September
I think almost everything in this picture potentially moves to alter the acoustic properties. Very Impressive.
NB the wall on the bottom left in the up position while right hand side is down to narrow the space.
West of Scotland Cricket Club
Even got to see the indoor cages in an old air raid type shelter. It has been rented out for the day hence the bouncy castle.
Anderston Kelvingrove Church
The find of this year. Wonderful people , a true community facility with a diverse range of uses helping in all sorts of ways. Groups, churches(plural), night shelter etc etc
Also, what a building.
It is kind of criminal that places like this can struggle when there are places nearby and throughout the city that manage to have money poured in to them.
St Vincent Street.
Waiting for bus it struck me that this time next year this view will be very different. Archiving.
Hoskins Architects
Very much an activity stop . I took the opportunity to grab a picture out the corner windows :)
On way to Sheriffs Court
Sheriffs Court
Savings Bank , Bridge Street
It was pretty dark in there . Informative talk. Maybe do outside bit first so all that dark eye adaption isnt thrown away a few minutes in.