The Sighthill area of Glasgow is the subject of a TRA ( Transformational Regeneration Area ) initiative. The old high flats removed and a planned community put in place.
It is all very buzz word friendly but manages to make access to public transport worse for the north east of Glasgow and for those in the new builds wanting to go South.
Original tweet thread ;
"Sighthill in Glasgow is changing. Lots of new builds and car and cycle provision. There does seem to be a missed opportunity in lack of public transport options and from that encouraging the most ignored, but most used, active travel option; walking. @GlasgowCC"
OLD ---------------------------------> NEW

"The bus stop at Fountainwell/Springburn is (already) packed servicing 87/88/89A/57/57A/90's , being used as an interchange for people from south of bus station to get to 88/87/89A's by cramming on 57/57A's filling them by West George St frustrating people on Cathedral St who can't get on"
"From what i can figure out from the masterplan they have not added any extra bus stops despite the number of houses added and managed to make the paths to the bus stops longer. People who do their shopping at the big Lidl have a longer haul of their bags."
".. the people in the new houses have a longer walk to get to the new bus stop . Since we have permanent sunshine here that will not be a problem and people will happily leave their cars behind to walk to the bus stop. I can't spot any new bus stops on the new Pinkston road"
"If you have done your shopping and then are going to points North; Springburn, Bargrayhill,Balornock,Barmulloch you are penalised for having to use the bus.
I have made a big zoomable map you can change the overlays at top right to see the changes."
The designers were so pleased with themselves with moving the stone circle and putting in cycle tracks that they couldnt be bothered making proper provision for public transport. The changes affect more than just the immediate surrounding area and impact those reliant on buses.
Much like the Avenues scheme this was primarily planned by the previous council and with that it shares the same issues of being a badly thought out and designed plan.
Glasgow is a city of public transport and pedestrians and all of these builds actively work against that.
p.s. just noticed that the planners have decided as well as making people walk further from the shops with their messages/prams etc they pavement is now a cycle lane so add bikes into the mix.
This city hates people who have to use public transport
Oct 2019
This layout may also lead to more people trying to cross the carriageway and jump over the central barriers rather than going all of the way round the crossings. A bad design by non public transport users as we have come to expect in Glasgow.